By Paul Greeley, 817-578-6324, In August, during a newscast on WTVO, the ABC affiliate in Rockford, Illinois, news anchor Jorge Rodas was escorted off the set by morning meteorologist Joseph Marino due ...
You’re out doing a live shot, just trying to be professional….and even the wildlife decides to photo-bomb you. In this case, the victim was reporter Lisa Chavarria of WMAQ in Chicago. The offender…..a robin ...
Gary Lezak has been chief meteorologist at Scripps’ KSHB in Kansas City, MO since 1999. So we have no doubt that he knew his tweet earlier this week downplaying climate change would trigger more ...
The February sweeps are done and dusted and May is….so far away. Settle back and enjoy the fact the weekend is coming…click here for scenes some of you might like to forget.
It appears that an approaching cold front caused some gastric distress to meteorologist Marc Weinberg of Block’s WDRB in Louisville, KY. http:// We report. You decide.
We wrap up 2021 with a look back at the moments we’d rather forget….but love to remember.. Pop the champagne and toast the winners/losers. See you next year.
We ran across this recent blog post that clearly demonstrates that in 2021, anchors still haven’t quite figured out the boundaries of “Happy Talk.” It seems that Sinclair’s KATV news team wanted to make ...
Yeah, you have to see this to believe it. CNN report Manu Raju was doing a live shot when a cicada showed up to photo bomb him. Hilarity ensued, as you can see from ...
In all fairness, there is probably no one in this NBC O&O’s newsroom who is old enough to know the difference between Roger Mudd and John Chancellor – this, kids, is John Chancellor.
We were always amazed from the calls that came in with young voices on the other end from the New York Office not knowing geography out West. Such was the case earlier this week ...
What are the odds? WOOD (NBC) reporter Lynsey Mukomel took to Twitter on Friday to marvel at the new license plate she got from the Michigan Secretary of State. It was no vanity plate: ...
Over the next couple of weeks, you will be swamped with self-important, barely enlightening “best of/worst of” lists. This is the only one that matters. Enjoy
As you anxiously await the arrival of the little goblins Thursday, candy bowl at the ready, sit back and enjoy another installment of some hilarious Halloween horrors.
ABC News apologized Monday for mistakenly running a video that apparently was taken at a gun range in Kentucky with a report about Turkish attacks in northern Syria. “We’ve taken down video that aired ...
We’ve still got a way to go ‘til Halloween, but not far enough away to keep us from bringing some of the day’s best of the worst as adults and tv newsrooms continue to ...
WXXV‘s Jeff Haeger got caught on air twiddling with his phone after a package ended. The FOX/NBC/CW combo anchor in Gulfport Mississippi was a good sport about it. The risk you run texting about ...
“Good Morning America’s” Lara Spencer had some bowing and scraping to do after she appeared to mock Britain’s little Prince George for taking ballet lessons. Via Instagram on Friday: “My sincere apologies for an ...
Does she or doesn’t she? It appears one of those “hot mic” moments befell “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell Tuesday night. During a segment on the sexual harassment accusations lodged against opera star ...
Brahm Resnik, a political anchor and reporter for KPNX (NBC), has apologized for a tweet he posted over the weekend in which he drew comparisons between an Arizona Republican Party tweet and a Nazi ...
Technological hassles created some severe headaches for those of us here at NewsBlues International Headquarters in the past couple of days, with missed and delayed deadlines. We apologize and want you to know that ...
Well, this is one of those times that either the Director didn’t punch up the talent correctly after the show open or an anchor is just too comfortable on the set and yes it’s ...
An NBC News Anchor was reportedly duped by North Korean propaganda after he delivered an upbeat news report from a ghost town in the secretive state that had been transformed into a ’busy’ ski ...
This little gem popped up on-air at WFAA (ABC) Wednesday. Closed Captioning strikes again. Closed captioning hates me and strikes again… I said, the storms that created the “haboob will bring us a chance ...
Sometimes when you are writing a script it pays to read it aloud. That was a tip passed on early to this reporter and is one we hope you do everyday. Here is a ...
Rain wasn’t the only thing casting a pall over the Tulsa, OK morning commute Tuesday. Chase Thompson was doing the morning traffic report on Cox-owned KOKI, when an unscheduled ad lib occurred. Check it ...
No…we don’t think that really is Sri Lanka. Just one of those switching errors that, thanks to the damned Internet and folks like us, will live on forever. It was SUPPOSED to be a ...
It began innocently enough. “Today” weather guy Al Roker did his standard throw to local and then…. At flagship WNBC, Chris Cimino failed to pick up his cue – instead blathering on about something ...
A former Utah news anchor was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol twice in two days. Police say 57-year-old Hope Woodside, was arrested on March 29 after dispatch received a call ...
Speaking of Bloggers, one of our favorites and an all around nice guy, Houston’s Mike Mcguff has been on vacation. He’s returned though and released this treasure trove of bloopers from last month. Be ...
The crew of “Fox & Friends” apologized on air Monday after accidentally running a graphic announcing that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died. “We need to apologize,” Steve Doocy said moments later. “A technical ...
You didn’t really think there were ONLY those foul-ups, flubs and clinkers we showed you the day we came back? There’s more where that came from, and here they are You’re welcome.
Imagine this: you are hanging out with your friends, enjoying a drink on New Year’s Eve and you see your college girlfriend in the crowd. Awkward. Now imagine you start waving to your ex-girlfriend ...