They’re looking for the jackass who pointed a laser at KTRK‘s helicopter as it flew over the city during the morning newscast last Thursday. “Leeland and Sidney. It’s illegal to laser a helicopter,” SkyEye ...
After several days of radio silence, management at Nexstar’s KTVI in St. Louis, MO finally acted in the case of news anchor Vic Faust, who went on a tirade while hosting a radio show ...
You would have thought Bill Crane would have known better. A political analyst at COX-owned WSB in Atlanta, Crane was abruptly fired this week after he made a gratuitous insult about former President Trump’s ...
Back in 2018, Alex Jones wanna-be Ben Swann wasted no time after his firing by WGCL in reviving his laughably-named Truth in Media website. Since then, the one-time Pizzagate promoter has evidently had a ...
We’re guessing the guy whose execution she came to witness had a worse night than she did. http:// In other news… — Ivana Hrynkiw Shatara (@IvanaSuzette) July 29, 2022
A photojournalist for Tegna’s (someday Standard Media’s) KGW in Portland suffered cuts and a bruised eye on Monday when he was allegedly attacked and sucker-punched by Joshua David Spears. Spears, who was arrested twice ...
Some yokel named Stephen LaFrance was upset about the weather forecast delivered by veteran New Orleans forecaster and WVUE chief meteorologist David Bernard. So he did what anyone who’s taken too many blows to ...
Erie, PA tv news reporter Haley Potter finds herself in a career-killing mess. The 24-year-old who’s been with Lilly’s WICU for the past two years, was arrested and charged with fabricating false reports of ...
One of the funnier stories we’ve seen in recent days was the attempt by Robert Herring to wish….wish REALLY, REALLY HARD…a rescue by Elon Musk of Herring’s little-watched and even less-respected One America News. ...
Joey Sulipeck has been chief meteorologist at Cox-owned WHBQ in Memphis for more than 18 years. So one might have thought he’d have another think before sending out a complaining tweet after the Memphis ...
We’ve been watching Grant Stinchfield’s fact-free, unhinged rants going back to the days when he was a paid flack for the NRA. Check some of his past antics here and here. He was a ...
Investigative reporter Rob Wolchek of FOX-owned WJBK in Detroit, MI has a long history with a local contractor named Seth Chuhran. And it’s not one typified by coffees at Starbucks. Back in 2020, Wolchek ...
We’re so old, we remember a time when a reporter could be out on a live shot and onlookers would keep a respectful distance and their mouths shut. Not so much anymore. Anchor/reporter Jacqueline ...
Lowlifes who hang around neighborhoods looking to steal packages left on the front porches generally still aren’t smart enough to avoid those Ring cameras that homeowners have installed. And in the case of this ...
One would think that a history of pitching conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory might make you toxic in the largely cautious media world today. Especially after your outlandish claims resulted in being dumped by ...
Last week we told you about a bonkers tweet from Newsmax’s Emerald Robinson that landed her in Twitter jail and ended up with her being taken off the air by a red-faced Newsmax. Remember ...
An Ohio man who was a thousand miles away from where he was supposed to be when he assaulted NBC News correspondent Shaquille Brewster is now being sought by police. The incident occurred earlier ...
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin returned to the cable news channel for the first time since last October, addressing the incident that got him fired by “The New Yorker,” and which kept him off ...
This week’s Bonehead. Meet Caroline Kain, a 57-year-old Louisianian charged with sending a series of racist emails to the staff of a New Orleans television station – purportedly 81 of them between May 5 ...
Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot has decreed that on the two-year anniversary of her Administration, she will grant interviews only to journalists of color. “I ran to break up the status quo that was failing ...
This week’s winner of the “Manufactured Outrage” award doesn’t work for any of the cable noise outfits. A huge surprise in itself. This week’s hands-down champ once had a fairly decent reputation in the ...
A Friday opinion piece published on Dan Abrams’ Mediaite website quickly became the subject of online mockery for describing CNN host Don Lemon as “openly Black.”
An error in data used by a consortium of major news outlets wrongly said Wednesday that 98 percent of ballots had been counted in Arizona, despite the fact that an estimated 14 percent or ...
The New Yorker star writer and CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin exposed himself on a Zoom call — and has now been suspended from the magazine, a report said Monday. The incident allegedly ...
A person was arrested Wednesday morning at Mobile’s WKRG studios after smashing out the front door with a tire iron. The station reported the person was injured and bleeding from the broken glass and ...
It wasn’t that long ago that Mr.Trump was relaying to the American people that kids are “almost immune” to the coronavirus. We now know that Barron Trump tested positive for COVID-19 around the ...
***UPDATE*** Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz has resigned from his position after revelations that he carried a sexting relationship with now former KTBY and KYUR reporter Maria Athens. __________________________________________________________ The mayor of Anchorage has apologized ...
That’s our bad. Turns out the guy who heads the team tasked with eliminating the virus that has killed over 200,000 people, does not have the virus. Deadline Hollywood had an embarrassing flub on ...
Harlan Hill will not be invited back onto Fox News. The Donald Trump campaign adviser tweeted during the vice presidential debate Wednesday night that Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is an “insufferable lying bitch.” “Kamala ...
If a global pandemic doesn’t get ya while reporting, and you happen to the avoid these rampant psychos on the street regularly attacking journalists, then don’t worry, you can always do it to yourself… ...
Sex, Religion and Politics. Three subjects that’ll get you a Coors Light to the noggin. Columbia, South Carolina’ WIS TV-10 has removed the photo of morning news anchor Kamie Roesler from its website following ...
There’s a reason why sports anchors cover sports. According to the Washington Times, a two-time Emmy-nominated sports anchor in Connecticut is out of a job after he called Republican Sen. Tim Scott “Uncle Tom” ...
Here’s breaking news for ya… A lot of people in the Miami area speak Spanish. Still with us? OK… because that fact makes the following even tougher to comprehend. Get this… Last week, a ...
In a since-deleted tweet by WHDH reporter Alex DiPrato, a man attending President Trump’s campaign rally Friday in New Hampshire was seen telling a group of television journalists that “someone’s going to bomb you, ...
Well, that’s March, April, May and now June without one piece of good news. Ok, that’s an exaggeration, but if you were yearning for a little relief, here’s June 2020’s news bloopers:
In situations like these, you wonder how many pairs of eyes ads actually go through before they make it to air/print. Well there’s no i’s in “Tennessean” but there is an “a” and ...
In a lightning fast reversal of fortune, less than 48 hours after Tucker Carlson cashed-in his Daily Caller (a site he co-founded) chips, his Fox News show lost a pretty penny in advertising. According ...
It can’t be all gloom and doom, but for May, 2020 there was A LOT. It came in like a lion, in the form of COVID-19 and left like… pretty much a second lion, ...
Any journalist in the field knows the pain of finding a safe, clean place when nature calls. You do what you have to do and you ask who you have to ask, “Umm, ...
The Shorewood, IL Police Department arrested a 20-year-old man on charges of battery and disorderly conduct following an incident during a live broadcast of WGN-TV’s 10 p.m. news. Police said that during a live ...
Here’s a new one: Pete Hegseth, a host at Fox News, who was once considered to run the Veterans Affairs administration, called upon healthy Americans to “have some courage” and leave their homes to get infected by ...
It’s never a good thing when your name is trending as part of “#fire______,” but that’s the twidicament in which ABC News reporter Sasha Pezenik found herself over the weekend. It seems Pezenik sent a tweet ...
Springfield Anchor Kent Brokman once made an on-air correction in which he reported that “Mr. Burns was then transferred to a better hospital where his condition was updated to… alive.” According to the NY ...
Do we think there will ever come a time when EVERYbody who works in tv news will be smart enough to watch their mouth when they are within half a mile of a microphone? ...
This Friday evening news dump…. Regan is going along with, and trying to sell, the cover story about shifting resources, but the fact that her program on Fox Business is one of only two ...
“We’d be better off’ if we gave everybody coronavirus. And with that, CNBC’s Rick Santelli, the network’s Lou Dobbs wanna-be relieved himself of another unhinged opinion in his one-man effort to save the stock ...
You see restaurant reviews in a lot of markets. Sometimes things go haywire, which is pure gold for the station investigating. According to the WTSP (CBS) website their segment, “Restaurant Red Alert exposes dirty ...
Burn a source, fire an assignment editor. Just another day at the office for Gray’s WAVE in Louisville, KY. burned a source and sacked an Assignment Editor all in the same day. The Louisville ...
A former professor at Christ the King Seminary is facing charges that he stalked a television reporter investigating the Buffalo Catholic Diocese. According to The Buffalo News, Federal prosecutors claim Paul E. Lubienecki engaged ...
One leftover piece of business from Monday’s Second Amendment rally in Richmond, VA, a rally held, most thoughtfully, on Rev. Martin Luther King Day, was one of those bits that might usually end up ...
Here we are, two and a half days after the latest Democratic debate, and still not a peep from CNN about debate moderator Abby Phillip’s highly unprofessional moment. To recap: Candidate Bernie Sanders was ...
Over the years, we’ve noticed that no one appears to enjoy talking down to his audience than NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd. So it must have been catnip for those viewers who ...
A member of the crack reporting team at Fox Business was busted last week at a Manhattan court house with a drug pipe in his sock, authorities and sources said Tuesday. Lawrence Crook, a ...
Demetria Obilor left the morning traffic anchor slot at Tegna’s WFAA in Dallas last October to pursue those often elusive “other opportunities.” It’s now pretty much a foregone conclusion they will become even more ...
This week, Fox News published an excerpt from a book written by former Arizona congressman and regular Fox contributor Doug Wead in which Wead wrote that the Obama White House held “Political Correctness” meetings, ...
Memphis anchor Nina Harrelson has a message for the latest body-shaming bozo with access to a keyboard. Harrelson, the weekend morning anchor at Nexstar’s WREG says it’s not the first time an underachieving bonehead ...
If you bet that a decorated US Army officer, who completed multiple tours of duty in South Korea, and Germany, and who earned a Purple Heart after being injured during a 2003 deployment to ...
Speaking of the Tornado, suppose you spend nearly 100-thousand dollars on a weather chasing vehicle, run countless ad’s all day and all night telling North Texans you are the “Weather Leader” and then you ...
He wasn’t quite Spider-Man but you can bet the managers inside an Orlando TV station were chomping cigars like J. Jonah Jamison. Nearly eight hours after a 43-year-old man scaled a tower outside the ...
The Daily Beast reports disgraced political pundit Mark Halperin was very unhappy when MSNBC brass nixed his attempt to repair his career through a possible collaboration with the stars of Morning Joe. So he ...
This is not the life after television one would envision. Former KHNL television sports anchor and current Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation information specialist Russell Yamanoha pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Honolulu ...
Was it just last week that Fox News caught hell for hiring former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders as a contributor? And wasn’t it also just last week that ABC got an ...
In one of the most bizarre stories of the year, a guy wearing a Monitor left dozens of TV’s on the steps of a Chicago neighborhood this past weekend. Probably a prank (we hope), ...